A method for you to predict your local weather.
Have you ever thought those forecasters were off today! Once in a while you had a good idea of what was coming weather-wise and found that you were correct? Our Freehand Forecasting eBook will help you hone your skills at forecasting weather, such as trends, cycles, reading environmental signs, and more. If you’re a backyard barbecue guru, a seasoned camper, fisherman, or anyone that likes or needs to be in the great outdoors, our eBook is the place where you can turn a fair assumption into a well explored prognostication.
Our goal is to provide an in-depth learning experience for those who seek a better grasp of weather, for recreational, business, or personal knowledge!
Nothing ruins a great time in the outdoors like inclement weather! Not to say that there is no place for inclement weather. Some like to listen to the rain, others like to see a great lightning storm.
Ice storms, hail, wind, and high humidity, are not fun. Still one must endure bad weather to appreciate the good days!
The result is that you KNOW weather; you FEEL weather; you will CALCULATE weather; and THEN you reach your analysis. THIS is Freehand Forecasting.
Now it’s your turn to step up and join the ranks of those that know weather, the way forecasters knew weather. You will no longer rely on the news outlets, that get there forecast from the gauge and map readers. You will become aware of the changes around you, the signs that herald changes, and get ahead of the changes.
If you want to jump right into becoming a Freehand Weather Forecaster , you can find the eBook here!
“Freehand Forecasting: no matter the time, no matter the location, no matter what; you will be aware!” Take that on your next outing!