Since we are learning “Freehand Weather Forecasting” it is a good idea to use Local Weather Forecasts or Instruments sparingly.
That being said;
If you want to learn how to freehand weather forecast, you will need to use some weather instruments while concentrate on honing your observation skills. During your first three to five weeks of observation the need to judge how well you are at prognosticating is important. This will show you what types of observations you need to improve on. The more you learn the less you will rely on local weather forecasts and instruments.
Using Local Weather Forecast and Instruments can be helpful. However when learning Freehand Weather Forecasting you will find yourself looking less and less at your weather apps and checking with your local media outlets. Another good reason and the one we have worked hard on the Freehand Forecasting eBook, when you are without media to provide a weather forecast the more your freehand forecasting skills will be needed.
During the first few weeks of learning, you will need to learn how to judge:
- Wind direction, intensity and change.
- Barometric pressure and change.
- Temperature change and trends.
These are the top three indicators of weather, outside of just looking at the sky! Learn more about Weather Predictors.
A home weather station would be the best way to get direct readings and have time to chart weather trends, but a simple weather vane, outdoor thermometer, and a sensitive barometer will serve you well.
We do not sponsor or point to any given weather instrument company but would like to offer you some suggestions as to a few good choices in instruments.
Outdoor thermometers are most likely decorative and of the spring type. They are great to look at but not very accurate. Usually set at room temperature the 70’s F will be the most accurate. Look for mercury bulb thermometers and place them in a constantly shady spot that does not get radiant heat.
Glass barometers are also decorative and accurate but not such that you can track accurate changes. Go with the dial type with markings. Having a movable dial to set the present reading, comes in handy for quick check of barometric change.
Wind vanes are everywhere. You do not need an actual wind vane to tell the direction of the wind and you can observe over time if there are changes in the direction. I hope you know where North is!
Above this is the Personal Weather Station or PWS. Some are quite simple, and some will give you more than a display. You can connect it to your computer, have an online display and connect with other PWS stations around the world.
Long after you become proficient at observation, checking local weather forecasts and instruments is not a taboo, but more of a conformation of your weather forecasting skill.
Always keep in mind that the most learned and connected forecasters are wrong now and then. See Power of Weather Forecasting
Keep observing, keep learning, and keep your mental records fresh.